Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I did something bad towards someone. Rasanya sebab aku tak suka dia dan aku rasa dia pun tak berapa nak suka aku. Cuma aku kurang selesa dengan kehadiran dia. Memang aku jahat, yes, aku mengaku. But, there's nothing else I can do. I just can't like her, and that's it. Words just went out of my mouth, and it's my bad. I just can't help it.

Well now, even though aku rasa bersalah, but aku still rasa that it's for the best walaupun cara dia agak tidak kena and rude. As the saying goes "what comes around goes around" aku rasa now aku kena ready la if one day orang akan buat aku macam tu. Haihhh it's Karma. Bak ayat yang Ayu kata, tapi aku olah, I'll just sit here and wait for karma's to fuck me up -___-

That's the price that I have to pay. Deal with it. By the way, weh Sorry.

